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History of migration flows of ethnic moldovans to the North-Black Sea region: causes and consequences
full article |
Zerkal M.
Pages: |
23–48 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the historical analysis of migration processes among the representatives of the Moldovan ethnic group from the time of statehood to the present. The author identifies and substantiates the fact that there are three waves of Moldovan migration to the Northern Black Sea. An attempt was made to trace the preconditions and forms and content of migration processes, the influence of external factors. The article focuses on the historiographical overview of the existing scientific and source base among Ukrainian and other history schools. An important aspect of the article is the analysis of the historical backgrounds in which migrations of the Moldovan ethnic group took place in relation to foreign policy factors, as well as internal economic processes in society. The question of preserving the national identity of the Moldovan ethnic group in the territory of other countries is raised. The difference between the first two waves of migration is compared with the last one, which continues to this day. In the context of the quarantine test of civilization, the issue of the reintegration of ethnic Moldovans, who are forced to return to their homeland and feel the stratification of the cultural influence of other states during labor migration raises, features of the cultural environment of the homeland and the migrant community.
The findings indicate that the first two waves of migration were of a resettlement character with integration into the cultural, linguistic and state environments. The last third wave is the character of temporary labor migration for the younger generation in order to improve their economic situation and return to their homeland. A process of exacerbation of demographic problems is underway and attempts are being made to reform the difficult economic, cultural and social situation through reforms. The issue of relevance of further study of the history of migration waves and features of the modern world, the need for greater intervention in the life of the population by the state to preserve ethnic identity and preserve the historical traditions and culture of the Moldovan ethnic group in particular.
Keywords |
migration, identity, cultural integration, EEC, Moldovans, statehood, economic status
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