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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 21
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.21 21 Historiography of wine growth development in Russian Empire (second half of the 19th – beginning of 20th centuries) full article
Pages: 67-69 Summary At the end of the 19th century an active development of the wine-growing industry is being observed. So, the interest of scientists in systematizing historiography of viticulture was growing. This was due to the fact that studies in this area are rather insignificant and have a non-systemic, fragmentary, and sometimes of a statistical nature, indicating that there is no comprehensive study on this problem.
The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize historical sources on the development of viticulture in the territory of modern Ukraine in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The historiography of works on viticulture of the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was explored. It was established that a kind of encyclopaedia of the history of viticulture and winemaking of this period is historical-statistical 6-volume essay «Winery in Russia» by M.К. Ballas.
The author’s analysis and systematization of historical sources, which contain direct or indirect information on the development of viticulture of the studied period, are shown. Among them should be noted works by M.I. Voinov, M.A. Gartvis, F.I. Gaske, G.I. Gogol-Yanovsky, O.A. Kipen, A.A. Potebni, A.P. Serbulenko, V.Y. Skrobyshevsky, V.E. Tairov, M.E. Tsabel and other.
One of the fundamental works, which summarized experience of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of viticulture of the Russian empire of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and became one of the first publications in the Russian language was written by A.A. Potebni and V.Y. Skrobyshevsky and named «Guide to Viticulture». The book presented zoning of the Russian Empire and the area of vineyards; practical recommendations on the most effective methods of reproduction, grafting, planting vineyards, checking varieties, cutting and forming grapes, caring for a vineyard, controlling diseases and pests, etc.
Researches show that separate group of historical sources consists of specialized periodicals, through which a more complete picture of viticulture development. In particular, the journal «Herald of Winemaking», which was published in the period of 1892–1917 monthly in St. Petersburg by V.E. Tairov, with the support of the Department of Agriculture, which became a real encyclopaedia on solving problems of viticulture and winemaking.
Keywords historiography, viticulture, historical sources, specialized periodicals, Russian empire, scientific principles of viticulture References
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