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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 2
Article No. 11
All numbers / 2019 No.2 / Article No.11 11 Activities of the Scientific and Research Center of the South of Ukraine established by the German Occupation Authority as a coordinator of the agricultural scientific institutions (1941–1944) full article
Pages: 36-39 Summary In the article, the main stages of the scientific-pedagogical and organizational activities of The methodological foundations of the research are based on the priority of archival documents. It allows an objective analysis of the organizational progress of the agricultural research. Nazi officials and German scientists were particularly interested in Ukrainian agricultural research, because the conclusions of research institutions of agrarian direction allowed to effectively cultivate the agricultural potential of the occupied Ukrainian lands. Among the top-priority measures of the new government was the maximum collection of information, the removal of scientific documentation, breeding and breeding material, attracting the best local scientific experts to projects, which aimed to perfect the study of the occupied territories for further settlement by German settlers. The main organization responsible for the collection and removal from the occupied territories of all cultural property, including scientific material, was the Rosenberg Operational Headquarters. Based on the development of the headquarters structural units in the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine, the reform of agrarian science began. To this end, in autumn 1941, the Center for Research of Agriculture and Forestry for the Northwest Ukraine was created. For the control of the scientific life of the Southern Region of Ukraine, from September 1941 in Kherson, the Research Institute of the South of Ukraine was started to work, headed by Professor Dr. E. Von Boguslavsky.
During 1941–1943, the permanent process of reorganization of the agrarian scientific sphere. It culminated with the creation of the Regional Research Center of Ukraine under the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine, where the Special Group for Agricultural Research and the Kherson Branch of the Special Group for the servicing of the southern Ukrainian lands operated. The city of Kherson became the focal point for the coordination of agricultural research in the Ukrainian southern territories. The Institute of Animal Husbandry began to operate on the territory of the Kherson Agricultural Institute; the Ukrainian experimental cotton plant was transformed into the Cotton Institute and the Institute of Plant Protection.
It has been found out that the institutions that existed in all, as research, and organizational work, were accountable to the Research Institute of the South of Ukraine. In particular, all issues of personnel support were solved with the consent of the German side, each year the Center submitted for coordination of the research work of the institution, reports of the departments, which specified the topic, relevance, coverage of the research subject in the literature, the methodology of the theme, place and time, material equipment and performers.
Scientists and workers of the research institutions remaining in the occupied territory, having been forced to work on «new owners» in conditions where from the first days of occupation the obligatory labor duty was introduced. They tried not only to survive in the extreme conditions of the war, but also sought to preserve the results of their collective and multi-year research work. The cotton-growing institute continued to work on the issues of agricultural technology of cotton, alfalfa, alternating crops in cotton crop rotation, fertilizer systems in cotton-alfalfa crop rotation, and the influence of fertilizers on the development and yield of cotton, the influence of perennial grasses on the physical and chemical properties of soils, and the reclamation of saline soils. The Institute of Plant Protection was engaged in the study of cotton pests, cereals, garden crops, fodder grass and the development of measures to combat them. The Institute of Animal Science developed the questions of the development of beekeeping in the south of Ukraine, the study of the population of local goats, the acclimatization of the German meat and wool merino in the South of Ukraine, the breeds of horses in the South of Ukraine and the ways of their further improvement.
Thus, under the conditions of the German occupation of 1941–1944, agricultural research, in particular in the southern Ukrainian lands, continued to develop.
Keywords World War II, German occupation, agricultural research, South of Ukraine, research center of Southern Ukraine, cotton growing, plant protection, animal husbandry, scientific and organizational activity References
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