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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 18
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.18 18 Scientific and technical analysis of formation of the park of passenger wagons by Professor M.V. Vynokurov (1846-1946) full article
Pages: 38-39 Summary The article covers the organizational, scientific, technical and practical activities of Mikhail Vasylyovych Vinokurov, a well-known railroad engineer, railway engineer and builder of freight and passenger wagons railways.
The knowledge and experience gained by domestic scientists in the United States on the construction of wagons and during international forums was later used successfully by them in practical activity in tsarist Russia and, consequently, in the Soviet Union. M.V. Vinokurov participated in the reconstruction of a number of transport routes of the country directly by the implementation of carriage. Experience of foreign countries, and first of all the USA, influenced the views of domestic wagons manufacturers. That's why M.V. Vinokurov, who was well acquainted with this experience, became a strong supporter of the use of wagon-building technology and theoretically substantiated the possibility of forming a passenger park of wagons on the territory of the USSR and, in particular, in Ukraine. Thus, domestic engineers in the practical direction of their activities directed foreign experience.
M.V. Vinokurov in his writings pointed out that for experiments he used the precise technique created by domestic specialists - measuring devices with a continuous record of all deformations, accelerations, stresses at different nodes of the car at movement at any speed.
Service record M.V. Vinokurov for wagons is very impressive. The diverse activities of the scientist testify to the recognition of his authority in the scientific and administrative circles of the Ministry of Railways. Wherever he used his knowledge and qualifications of the engineer, these were the most important areas of public policy in the field of wagons building and operation of rolling stock of railways.
Keywords M.V. Vinokurov, railway transport, passenger wagons, technics, wagons building References
- Istoriia kafedry vahony i vahonne hospodarstvo DNUZT [History of the department of the carriage and carriage economy of the Dniepropetrovsk]. (last accessed : 15.11.2018). [in Ukrainian].
- Mokrshytskyi, E. I. (1946). Istoryia vahonnoho parka zheleznykh doroh SSSR [The history of the railcar park of the USSR]. Moskow : Transzheldorizdat, 210. [in Russian].
- Vinokurov, M. V. (1953). Vagonyi [Wagons]. Moskow : Transzheldorizdat, 704. [in Russian].
- Vinokurov, M. V. (1953). Puty razvytyia otechestvennoho vahonostroenyia [Ways of development of domestic wagon-building]. Ocherky razvytyia zheleznodorozhnoi nauky y tekhnyky [Essays on the development of railway science and technology]. Moskow : Hostrenszheldoryzdat, 174-183. [in Russian].
- Dadyko, S. R., Draichyk, I. I. (1954). Vahonostroenye [Wagon-building]. Moscow : Mashhyz, 576. [in Russian].
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