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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 9
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.9 9 Activity of National Scientific Center «Institute of Viticulture and Vine Making nd. a. V.Ye. Tairov» NAAS in German-Soviet War full article
Pages: 18-19 Summary Activity of the National Scientific Center «Institute of Viticulture and Vine Making nd. a. V.Ye. Tairov» NААS in the years of German-soviet war and renewal is analysed, where soil of high-performance home viticulture and vine making is stopped up.
Certainly, that viticulture and vine making always were and remain important productive directions for presentation of the Ukrainian economy. It is found out, that in a soviet period to Ukraine occupied the third place after the areas of vineyards and second place after the production of wine that allowed to vine viticulturist-making industry to be one of basic sources of addition to the budget of the state. A vine plays an important role in the structure of rational feed of man, id est positively operates on a health to nation. To tom, the increase of production of vine volumes together with the increase of economic efficiency of his production needs to be examined as foreground job to development of industrial viticulture and vine making in Ukraine. To that end the analysis of history of activity of branch research establishments, systematization of actual material, in relation to scientific researches of scientists in this direction matters very much, as will provide drawing on the most substantial accomplishments of the past on modern agrarian business. It is set that important is an active revision of achievements of scientists in the years of German-soviet war and renewal in Ukraine, when free and unrationed labour of scientists provided in the earliest possible date of liquidations consequences of military operations by proceeding in the basic measures of agricultural production. To tom, a large value had a removal of negative consequences of violation and destruction of scientific experiments, that assisted further presentation of branch science and practice.
It is found out, that the scientists of institute are get considerable achievements in relation to development of researches in industry of viticulture and vine making. In particular, large attention is spared to arrangement of old vineyards, expansion of areas of vine and organization of new viticulturist state farms. The complex of agrotechnical measures that provided the considerable increase of exit of the instiled vine nursery transplants is worked out, to protecting of the vine planting from winter ground frosts in Northlands of country. The complex of the effective bringing of mineral fertilizers, constructing and test of instruments is worked out for bringing of mineral fertilizers and signup of vineyards and others like that. The employees of institute are spare large attention to the improvement of existent standard sortiment and leadingout of new varieties of vine in different ground-climatic terms, to creation of types of the branded Wiens and establishment of districts of the high-quality vine making, finding out of quality of Champagne is wines from the different sorts of vine, to the exposure of sorts of vine for the receipt of high-quality cognac alcohols and others like that.
Keywords development, proceeding in researches, scientifically-organizational activity, scientifically reasonable measures, agrotechnical measures, viticulture and vine making References
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