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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2019 No. 1
Article No. 6
All numbers / 2019 No.1 / Article No.6 6 Unique burial structures of ancient times «Skif grave» and Sarmatian crypt on the territory of Bеlgorod-Dnistrovskyi: the present state, problems and perspectives of museification full article
Pages: 11-12 Summary One of the most ancient cities of Ukraine is Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, where are many monuments, including those of national importance.
One of them the «Scythian grave», which is now in the industrial area, is not given a chance of museification. Another monument of ancient architecture, that is not inferior first historical and cultural meaning and value, is not still included in the system of state protection, and there is no own memorial-security documentation.
Unfortunately, because of the situation these incredible unique burial structures of ancient times are led to a gradual destruction and oblivion, which have an unprecedented historical and cultural value and colossal tourist potential. The purpose of this research, primarily, to create a museum design project, which involves an analysis of known information and the proof of the method and the form of museum activities as the only effective way to preserve and popularize historical and architectural objects. The practical significance of this study is that the main provisions can be introduced in the exposition activity of the new type of museums for Ukraine – «Archeological Scansene», on the example of the archaeological monuments of the city of Belgorod-Dnistrovsky.
The author proposed two ways for the museification these monuments. The simplest one is to declare them as archaeological reserve without changing the legal status preserving the original functions of the monument. This will ensure the improvement of the surrounding areas of archaeological sites and will provide sightseeing tours. An unconditional advantage of this form of museification is the small amount of funds required for implementation. Of course, this is superficial measure.
The second way of the museum-writing offered by the author is more complex but it will create the most powerful effect for disclosure of informational potential and preservation of these buildings. Taking into account the extremely unusual location and conditions of conservation (Scythian grave), not related to the context of the environment (Sarmatian crypt) by finding ancient monuments, and a relatively simple crypt structure, it is possible and appropriate to move both sights (with maximum preservation) to the adjoining territory of the local lore museum. Thus, create the only historical and cultural complex – archaeological scansen. Such a solution will fully satisfy the main properties inherent in museum complexes of this type, solve the task of preserving authentic architectural monuments, creation of conditions for free access to objects of the general population, and tourism development in the region.
Keywords preservation, assurance, archeology monument, skansen, museification, local history museum References
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