In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, our distinguished compatriot Ivan Evgenievich Ovsinsky initiated changes in the methods of agriculture. Today, as a result of complex processes of developing scientific, methodological and practical approaches to land use, we can talk about the emergence of «soil-protective, energy-saving, regenerative or organic farming» The state of organic production in the world and in Ukraine is characterized. Information on scientific support is provided; organizations involved in the organic movement, in particular, the experience of advanced farming in organic production – LLC «Agroecology» in the Shishatsky district of the Poltava region (founder SS Antonets). Attention was focused on the confrontation that existed between the proponents of deep plowing and surface tillage. A digression into the history of the emergence and development of the scientific direction is made-the «new system of farming». The contribution of scientists who founded soil science as a science is considered: V.V. Dokuchaev, P.A. Kostychev, M.A Kachinsky, A.A. Rode, I.B. Rewut, etc. Also the contribution of the founder of «organic farming» – I.E. Ovsinsky and the scientists who continued his work: Т.С. Maltsev, A.I. Baraev, F.T. Morgun, M.K. Shikuly, etc. Data on current trends in organic production are given: «EM technology» or «technology of effective microorganisms», «No-till» technology, etc. It is noted that recently organic farming methods have been introduced in small farms – in the homesteads and suburban areas. In this area much has been done by the enthusiast and practice of organic farming V.V. Fokin. Conclusions: new approaches to soil cultivation in agriculture have been created, the basis of which is to minimize the impact on soil. The organic farming in Ukraine is gaining an increasing number of supporters, as evidenced by the numerous organizations of the organic movement, and the realization that the attitude of consumers towards nature, in particular to the fertility of the soil, is more unacceptable, and misunderstanding of this can cause great trouble.
Organic production, soil science, «new farming system», deep plowing, soil-free cultivation, Ovsinsky, Antonets, EM-technology, «No-till»
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