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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 1
Article No. 5

5 The main stages of studying and mapping of the Dnipro river, the Podneprovsky by european scientists and cartographers (the end of the XVI–XVII centuries) on the example of the funds of the sector of cartographic publications OF NLUV full article
Romanchuk M.
Pages: 75-92

The article presents the main milestones of the history of mapping and studying by Europeans one of the largest and most important years of Europe - the Dnieper, on the example of cartographic works, which are stored in the fund of the sector of cartographic publications of the National Library of Ukraine to them V.I. Vernadsky (NBUV), which is the only specialized card depository fund in Ukraine. As part of the fund, which is a unique collection of printed and manuscript cartographic documents, rare books are also available from the XVI century. Among them, the publications of Western European cartographers and publishers (A. Orteliy, V. and J. Blau, G. Boplan, and others) occupy a place of honor, which contain historical data on the descriptions and images of contemporary Ukrainian lands.

The ancient maps and atlases very vividly and clearly reflect the level of material and spiritual culture of past generations, the history of the state and is a valuable material for studying the history of mapping the territory of Ukraine, in particular, the Dnieper, European Cartographers.

Guillaume Levasser de Boplan (1600–1673), who served as a military engineer in the southeastern provinces of the Commonwealth. In 1639 he performed a shooting of the Dnieper and adjacent to him the strip of territory. Guillaume Boplan initiated a new stage of mapping the territory of Ukraine based on instrumental filming. For the first time, Boplan was the first to really reflect the territory of Ukraine and the flow of the Dnipro River, which enabled cartographers at the beginning of the XVIII century. Reform cards in Europe. The aforementioned author owns a series of maps devoted to the Dnipro River and the Podneaprovy. Subsequently, the maps of Boplan became the base material for the image of Ukrainian lands and the most important waterways, in particular, the Dnieper. The maps of Boplan were widely used about 100 years to the middle of the XVIII century. All maps of Eastern Europe of the second half of the XVIII century were compiled on the basis of maps of Ukraine G. de Boplan.

Western Europeans, namely, Dutch cartographers and publishers, held the world's first number of printed cartographic publications for a long time. Rare editions of such well-known cartographers and publishers as A. Orteliy, V. and J. Blau, stored in the funds of the cartography sector, contain maps reflecting the Dnipro River, its tributaries and adjacent territories.

The study of the mapping history of the hydrographic network of Ukraine, in particular the Dnipro River, plays an important role in understanding certain processes of development of territories, transport and economy in general.

Cartographic editions of European cartographers contain important information necessary for studying the mapping of the territory of Ukraine, the Dnieper River and the Dnieper River in the context of historical, scientific and geopolitical research.

NBUV, funds of the sector of cartographic publications, the Dnipro river, Podneprovya, European cartographers and publishers, Orteliy, Blau, Boplan
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  8. NBUV. Sektor kartografichnih vidan, Inv. № 3472. Shifr S3.
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  11. NBUV. Tam samo, Inv. № 3472. Shifr S 34/II.
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