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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 4
Article No. 3

3 The influence of Orthodox Christianity on cosmological ideas in Ukraine (XI–XVIII centuries) full article
Koltachykhina O.
Pages: 24-44

For the first time in detail the influence of Orthodox Christianity on the development of cosmological ideas in Ukraine during the XI–XVIII centuries is described. The evolution of existing models of the birth and structure of the universe at that time was investigated. The connection between Orthodox ideas and cosmological notions in Ukraine is shown. The little-known works of the first teachers of Ukrainian academies on the studied topics are analyzed. It was established that all the models of the universe were known in Ukraine, but the texts of Orthodox theologians had great authority and influence on the development of cosmological ideas.

The conducted research made it possible to determine the specifics of domestic culture in the general education culture. The evolution of ideas has been considered, and has shown the history of thinking and development of consciousness of Ukrainian society. In addition, the publication also has a cognitive aspect.

Orthodox Christianity, Cosmology, Ukraine, Universe, cosmological models
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