All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.5 |
5 |
Symbolics of hetman regalia: historical retrospective
full article |
Kuybida V., Shapoval L.
Pages: |
76-96 |
Summary |
The paper brings into focus the symbolic of kleynods: pectoral, bell-tree, tug, korohva, military flag, chevrons of the volunteer battalions of Antiterrorist operation, which is its main goal. The priority task of the work is considered to be an optimization of methodological and contextual approach to the study of the weapons and the vector correction towards bias educational emphasis from traditional functions –destruction and defense to its symbolic content. For this article we used a complex of methods, including search and bibliographic, synthesis, systematization and classification, retrospective method, problematic and chronological, comparative historical and others. As a result of the study of this topic we got the conclusions. Kleynods, kleynots are symbols of state power, military troops; a gesture of putting a kleynod on the hat which is lying on the ground is a symbol of rejection the authority, and picking up if from the ground meant regaining the authority. The hetman regalia of an Old Age were represented in symbols of the Black Sea Scythia. Symbols of different levels of power were special hats, pectorals, hryvnas, precious axes, clubs and flanged maces.
Keywords |
kleynods symbolics, kleynods of the Old Age and the Cossack State, pectoral, bell-tree, tug, gonfalov, military flag, chevrons of the volunteer battalions
References |
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