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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 14

14 The history of the functioning of workshops intended for the repair of locomotives and carriages on the railways of Ukraine full article
Ustyak N.
Pages: 201-210

Estimating influence of development of a transport infrastructure on the level of economic development of society, it is needed to mark that the stormy economy growing in ХІХ of item resulted in the sharp increase of volumes of freight transport. An effective exit from a situation introduction of steam-engine and building of workshops became for repair of railway technique. Actually the last stimulated development of the railway system in Ukraine. Forming of a transport network, her specific structure, frequency claotype and other ways of report, choice of direction of building of basic highways in a historical aspect determined through productive specialization, territorial organization, frequency of settlements, and also through economic-geographical position of region of service.

In the article the questions of becoming and functioning of railway workshops, intended for repair of locomotives and carriages on the railways of Ukraine are examined in the chronologic order. It is set that, from little workshops, built at the beginning of 60th of ХІХ of century, the railway frame of mighty factory was formed with numerous workshops and army of many thousands of working workers. Thousands of old and new carriages and hundreds of locomotives were built in railway workshops and done.

railway workshop, railway transport, locomotives, carriages, railway transport of Ukraine
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