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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 9

9 History of Siverschyna sugar industry: sugar refineries V. Kochubey (1829-1878) in Dubovichy town Hlukhivsky county full article
Ivanchenko L.
Pages: 116-126

The article presents data about fires sugar factory of Vasily Kochubey (1829-1878) in his estate Dubovichy of Glukhovski County of Chernigov province. Functioning institutions manufactured in small towns in the early nineteenth century contributed to the development of industry, agriculture and improve the social and social status in the country. Fires sugar factory in 50-60 years of XIX century gained popularity and accounted for two-thirds of the total sugar business empire. A brief description of the process of growing sugar beet and process sugar, which is recorded in the report manager. Аnd using the most new by that time the process of separation of beet lime syrup using stearic acid as the developer reported a method claim V. Podvysotskogo. It is exposed facilitate of owners of factories in scientific development sector, contribution of V.V.Kochubey.

V. Kochubey, Dubovichy, sugar refineries
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