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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 3

3 History of development of production motor transport in Ukraine full article
Bey N.
Pages: 29-46

It is set that on the modern stage of development of world economy, a motor transport in the most developed countries is the basic type of internal transport and key element of a transport system, plays a basic role in providing of increase of economy and social development, develops passing ahead rates in comparing to other types of transport and industries of economy. It is found out, that for today actual are systematization of actual material and analysis of history of development of production of motor transport in Ukraine that will provide drawing on the most substantial accomplishments of the past for effective innovative activity and will assist the decision of row of problems for our country.

Certainly, that development of production of home motor transport is the implicit example of adjusting of optimal work of motor industry plants. It is set that for today motor industry of Ukraine produces all types of transport vehicles: passenger cars – «AvtoZAZ»; trucks, special cars, military motor transport – «AvtoKrAZ»; municipal and main busses – «LAZ»; cars of the increased communicating – «LuAZ». It is found out, that the swift increase of powers of basic home car giants provides a lasability innovative technologies and assists the decision of row of economic, power, social and ecological problems in Ukraine.

history of development, car production, motor industry, motor transport, passenger and freight cars, busses
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