General information
The collection publishes original research of on issues of world history and history of Ukraine, history of science and technology, historiography and source studies, special historical disciplines, biographical studies, local studies, reviews, anniversary articles, announcements and more.
Manuscripts submitted to the collection «History of Science and Biographical Studies» must be original and unpublished. They should not be viewed at the same time by any other publication. The responsibility for the content of the article lies on the authors, not the editors or publishers. Authors should familiarize themselves with the transfer of copyright to the collection of scientific articles «History of Science and Biographical Studies» of National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS.
Submissions must be made in accordance with ethical standards in publishing.
The order of reviewing
Reviewing (expert evaluation) of manuscripts of scientific articles is carried out in order to maintain a high scientific and theoretical level of the collection of scientific articles edition «History of Science and Biography Studies» in order to select the most valuable and relevant scientific works. The publication applies double-blind (anonymous) peer review. Reviewing is free. More information on the review process.
Electronic scientific professional edition «History of Science and Biography Studies» does not accept any manifestation of plagiarism and has specific criteria for its detections.
Manuscripts that have found plagiarism or textual borrowing without references on the original sourse are rejected by the editorial board. More about plagiarism policy.
Requirements for the design of articles
The article is submitted in the original language (Ukrainian or English).
The main body of the article (without annotations and literature) should be at least 10 pages long.
The scientific article should contain the following necessary elements:
- statement of the problem in general form and connection with important scientific or practical tasks; relevance of the topic;
- analysis of the latest research and publications in which the problem is solved and which the author relies on, the selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
- formulating the goals (goals) of the article, setting the task;
- presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results;
- • conclusions and prospects for further exploration in this direction.
The structural elements of the article:
- UDC code (in the upper left corner);
- author photo (in the upper left corner);
- name, surname of the author (authors) (in Ukrainian, in the upper right corner);
- academic rank, scientific degree, position, E-mail, ORCID, Researcher ID, place of work, postal address of the institution where the author (s) works (in Ukrainian, in the upper right corner);
- title of the article (in Ukrainian, capital letters, bold);
- abstract of the article (in Ukrainian, volume – not less than 1800 characters without spaces, including keywords);
- keywords (in Ukrainian, 6-8 words);
- name, surname of the author (authors) (in English, in the upper right corner);
- academic rank, scientific degree, position, E-mail, ORCID, Researcher ID, place of work, postal address of the institution where the author (s) works (in English, in the upper right corner);
- title of the article (in English, capital letters, bold);
- abstract of the article (in English, volume – not less than 1800 characters without spaces, including keywords);
- keywords (in English, 6-8 words);
- SOURCES AND LITERATURE (title in center, bold)
The abstract of the article should be structured. It should to include the purpose of the study and the used methods (research methodology), the main conclusions. The abstract of the article should be informative (it should not contain general phrases), content (it should reflect the main content of the article and the results of the research); logical (to reflect the logic of presentation of results in the article).
Required quality of articles is high level of English translation.
Technical requirements for the article:
Margins: lower, upper, right, left - 2 sm.
Editor: MS Word.
Headset: Times New Roman, pins (size) 14, spacing – 1,5. The text is typed without hyphenation.
Regarding the characters: only the following text should be quoted in the text: «», a dash is a short dash: «–». You do not need to put extra spaces, especially in front of square brackets or in parentheses. To prevent this, use the «Unprinted» function.
Tables in the text should be executed in Excel or Word without filling. Drawings made in Word should be grouped together and be a single graphic object. All illustrations must be in black and white or in grayscale, you can use other fill modes (pattern).
Literature design
References to sources in the text are given in the following manner: [7, p. 123], where 7 is the source number in the list of used sources, 123 is the page. References to several sources are simultaneously provided as follows: [1; 4; 8] or [2, p. 32; 9, p. 48; 11, p. 257]. References to archival sources – [15, p. 258].
The literature is designed in accordance with the requirements of «DSTU 8302: 2015. Bibliographic reference. General Terms and rules of assembly», of July 1, 2016). It is not acceptable to submit some sources under one item in the literature list. Used sources in the list are in alphabetical order.
References are made according to the APA standard.
For transliteration of the Ukrainian text into Latin the free site is used (we choose the American variant); for transliteration of Russian text using the free site
It is important to remember that in foreign databases, a simple transliteration of a source name without its English translation is meaningless.
Articles whose authors do not have a scientific degree are additionally accompanied by the review of the candidate, doctor of sciences by specialty of publication or excerpt from report of the meeting of the department on the recommendation of the article for printing. A review or excerpt of the report shall be submitted in the original or in a scanned form by email.
The authors of the materials are responsible for the content, accuracy of the facts, quotations, figures and names. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and reduce, as well as the literary correction of the article (preserving the main conclusions and style of the author). The Editorial Board may not share the authors' beliefs.
It is important that the author submitting his article uses the only transliteration of his name and surname. In this way, it will avoid creating multiple profiles (IDs) in the scientometric base and its scientific achievements will be taken into account more fully within one profile. The same requirements apply to the author scientific status and the name of the organization in which he works or conducts scientific research.
Copyright agreement
If the article is accepted for publication in the electronic scientific collection "History of Science and Biography Studies", the author must sign a copyright transfer agreement. The agreement send by e-mail (scanned copy) of the edition.
Download agreement
By this agreement the author states that the submitted material:
- does not infringe the copyrights of other persons or organizations;
- has not previously been published in other publishers and has not been submitted in other editions.
The author gives the Editorial Boards of the electronic scientific collection "History of Science and Biography Studies" the right to:
- publishing the article on the website of the collection in Ukrainian (in English).
- distribution of the electronic version of the article, as well as the electronic version in English of the article (for articles in Ukrainian), through any electronic means (publishing on the official web site of the journal, in electronic databases, repositories, etc.).