 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
14 |
full article |
Pages: |
265-283 |
Summary |
The article examines the history and activities of choral groups in the village of Novosilka in Ternopil region, in particular, the contribution of Ostap Onufriievych Kilyk, the leader of amateur choir (1953), amateur female folk vocal ensemble (choir-link) (1953), folklore-ethnographic female ensemble of folklore group «Kaperush» (1988) in the development of musical folklore. Attention is given to the work of the group «Troisti muzyky».
The aim of the article is to analyze the formation and development of choral, vocal and instrumental activities of groups in the village of Novosilka, as well as personal contribution of O. Kilyk to the preservation, popularization of musical folklore of South-Western Podillia in the second half of the twentieth century.
General scientific methods of search, analysis and synthesis were used to develop the topic, which made it possible to summarise the available material and to identify individual inaccuracies in the literature and internet sources regarding the activities of the above-mentioned groups.
It is noted that the amateur female vocal ensemble was of interest to television and the press. The Soviet gramophone record company Melody issued four vinyl records of the choir singing. The repertoire included Ukrainian folk songs and works by professional and amateur authors. Over time, the groups led by O. Kilyk performed folk music (lyric songs, rifle songs, rebel songs, carols, shchedrivkas, gaiivkas, wedding ceremony, obzhinki, instrumental music, dances), performed at various folk art shows, won awards, medals, were the winners of competitions (for example, in 1989 they participated in the first festival «Chervona ruta» in Chernivtsi; in the mid-90s, the group «Kaperush» visited Poland to perform). Folk art has had a significant impact on the development of the younger generation. This is what prompted O. Kilyk to involve young people and pupils of the Novosilka school in his groups. It is established that the boys' choir «Zerniatko» was founded in 1983 at the rural eight-year school. O. Kilyk's significant influence on the culture of the local population, the development of amateur folk activities, popularisation and preservation of the local folklore heritage has been noted.
Keywords |
Ostap Kilyk, musical folklore, troisti musyky, choir-link, folklore-ethnographic ensemble, «Kaperush»
References |
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