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THE ACTIVITIES OF UKRAINIAN COMMUNITIES IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY IN THE «ZA STO LIT» PERIODICAL (review of publications by I. P. Zhitetskyi, O. O. Ryabinin-Sklyarevskyi, O. A. Nazarevskyi)
full article |
Pages: |
238-264 |
Summary |
The article provides an analysis of separate publications of the serial called «Za Sto Lit», printed in the historical section of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (VUAN) from 1927 to 1930. The serial can be considered as the thematic continuation of the other prominent periodical – the journal «Ukraina» (Ukraine) which was issued with some interruptions from 1907 to the 1930s. One of the subjects that the journal was focused on was outlining the history of the national Ukrainophile movement, including the activities of Ukrainophile societies called Hromadas («communities»). The scope of the analyzed materials consists of several thematic sub-groups. This includes authorial scientific publications, documents, memoirs, and correspondence. Some materials combine different types and, except for the author’s contribution, contain full or fragmental parts of the documents, letters, etc. Scientific novelty: apart from that, the paper studies the works on the history of the hromada movement in Ukraine in the second part of the 19th century by I. Zhytetsky, O. Riabinin-Skliarevsky, and O. Nazarevsky. The mentioned studies reveal the activities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odesa Hromadas, highlight the role of their separate representatives and analyze the connection between the cultural and political aspects of their work.
The analyzed data demonstrate the direction of the serial aimed at the history of the hromada movement and show the research interest in comprehension of this aspect. It has been established that part of the materials published in six books «For a hundred years» is devoted to the study of the history of Ukrainian communities and their individual representatives. As a matter of convenience, the names of the mentioned persons in the paper were put in the alphabetical listing. The serial became a noticeable phenomenon in the Ukrainian national, cultural, and social-political life. On its pages archive and historical and literary sources.
Source evaluation and historiographical analysis were used as the main method to reveal the subject of the study. Biographical and prosopographical specific methods of research were used.
Keywords |
the serial «Za Sto Lit», the hromadas movement, Ukrainophilism, publication, Hromada, historiography
References |
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