 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
219-237 |
Summary |
The article refers to the scientific, enlightening, publishing, and cultural activities of Kyiv Hromada (community) and its impact on the formation of the national idea inside the Ukrainophile movement in the time of national revival in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The paper examines the intellectual practices of some activists who greatly contributed to the development of Ukrainian culture. It also specified the results of their activities in the process of forming of national identity of the people and spreading the ideology of Ukrainian separateness. The article offers data about the scientific and educational work of the famous representatives of the Ukrainophile movement - members of Kyiv Hromada. Among them: V. Antonovych, M. Dragomanov, P. Chubynskyi, P. Zhitetskyi, M. Starytskyi, O. Rusov, M. Lysenko, B. Grinchenko etc.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the reflection of the main forms of activity of citizens through the prism of the formation and spread of Ukrainian national ideology. Attention is paid to the establishment of educational institutions, production of Ukrainian literature, and conducting art events by the members. In the course of the establishment of national postulates of Ukrainian ideas by the Hromada members, their scientific and publishing work became an important element and resulted in scientific and research activities of the constellation of prominent scientists and intellectuals: D. Bagaliya, V. Berenshtama, V. Bilozerskyi, V. Hnylosirova, M. Ziber, O. Kistyakivskyi, O. Konyskyi, K. Mikhalchuk, V. Naumenka, T. Rylskyi, A. Svidnytskyi, Y. Shulgin and others. Theatrical and musical art had an exclusive value in the popularization of the national being. It is indicated that Ukrainophile societies of the early 19th century were a significant social and political force that impacted the appearance and performance of Kyiv Hromada. The paper unfolds the role of particular public figures such as M. Kostomarov, P. Kulish, T. Shevchenko, and others.
The theme of this paper was revealed using general historical and specific (prosopographical and biographical) methods of research.
Keywords |
Kyiv Hromada, national idea, identity, enlightenment, Ukrainophilism, culture
References |
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