 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
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130-166 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is to analyze the multifaceted activities of scientists, teachers of schools and gymnasiums, public and political figures of the Ukrainian diaspora in interwar Europe regarding the consolidation of their own efforts to raise the general educational level of Ukrainians abroad, their unification into multifaceted organizations that would support national, cultural and social needs, opposed the denationalization and assimilation of emigrants. In order to solve the problem, Ukrainian scientists considered it necessary to create a system of national educational institutions – schools, gymnasiums, technical schools, higher educational and research institutions; the introduction of national-patriotic education, the involvement of a significant number of Ukrainians in education, which will contribute to the improvement of their financial situation, the formation of national consciousness and the strengthening of the army of fighters for the realization of the most important goal of the nation. It should be noted that Ukrainian emigration was heterogeneous, motley and contradictory, as it included labor, economic and political parts, the goals of which did not always coincide.
The methodological basis of the research is the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematicity, complexity, and scientificity. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, and generalization), comparative, problem-chronological, worldview empiricism, and periodization were used. The mentioned methods contributed to the objective clarification of the content, direction, and nature of the activities of scientists regarding the creation of educational emigrant structures for the training of scientific and economic personnel with secondary special and higher education. Archival and source analysis, historical-logical, biographical methods served to obtain new knowledge from historiographical, archival, and biographical materials; revealing their significance for the development of Ukrainian studies, world-class scientific achievements made by Ukrainian scientists abroad.
It has been proven that the Ukrainian diaspora of interwar Europe, overcoming various difficulties, created a system of educational and scientific research, where highly educated humanitarian and national economic personnel, specialists of mass professions were trained. An important factor in raising the general educational level of Ukrainians was the work of scientific societies, research and publishing activities of academics of higher schools, which studied and disseminated the results of such research, in particular, the problems of Ukrainian studies, which served as an objective source of knowledge about Ukraine, its history and culture. In the Ukrainian scientific formations, science and education were considered as a great driving force of the evolutionary, economic and socio-political development of man and society; they were called the main factor in the creation of human relations in the state and the construction of the "knowledge economy". Ukrainian studies disciplines condemned the dissolution of Ukrainian culture and education in the cultures of other ethnic groups, promoted cohesion and directed the efforts of the diaspora to consolidate national-patriotic forces. Conscious educated cadres of Ukrainian reformers from the diaspora believed that literacy, national-patriotic education of Ukrainians, their active and purposeful activities to achieve the intended goal, would bring supporters of the liberation revolution closer to the creation of a new independent Ukrainian state.
Keywords |
Ukrainian diaspora, educational, research and educational activities, Ukrainian scientists, dissemination of scientific knowledge, educational and research institutions
References |
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