 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
63-76 |
Summary |
The article examines the scientific activity of the Ukrainian historian Volodymyr Parkhomenkо (1880-1942) for 36 years. During this period, he published more than 140 scientific works of various nature, which are still in scientific demand. The purpose of this publication is to carry out a general analysis of Volodymyr Parkhomenk's scientific work, primarily in relation to the history of the Church, and to introduce new sources of information related to his life and activities, including publications in the press of the beginning of the 20th century, into the scientific circulation. Most of Volodymyr Parkhomenk's research was made public before the First World War. They were mainly devoted to the history of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. At the same time, starting to examine the birth of Christianity in Russia, the historian proceeds to study the problems of the emergence of statehood on Ukrainian lands and their connection with the factor of nomads. His research and views become the subject of discussions by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Lyubor Niederle, Oleksiy Shakhmatov, Mykhailo Pryselkov and others. Carrying out scientific activity, Volodymyr Parkhomenko combined it with managerial work, holding relevant positions in scientific and educational institutions, in particular in Poltava, Kanev, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk. The work notes the Ukrainian-centric nature of the researcher's scientific works. The article also proves that the intellectual creative activity of Volodymyr Parkhomenkо was aimed at obtaining new knowledge of Ukrainian history and explaining key points related to socio-religious processes and the creation of a state in Russia. Thus, the historian made his way from the publication of the first works of a mostly descriptive nature, based on new source materials, to the creation of his own theory of the formation of Russia as a state. It should be noted that the general socio-political situation in the country also influenced the researcher's scientific creativity.
When writing the work, general scientific and general historical methods were used, in particular, logical, dialectical, comparative-historical, etc.
Keywords |
Volodymyr Parkhomenko, scientific activity, history, clergy, Church, Russia
References |
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