 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
03 |
full article |
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41-62 |
Summary |
The article introduces a historical figure into scientific circulation and discloses the biographical data of a prominent owner of the south of Ukraine, the learned manager of the estates of Count M. M. Tolstoy – I. M. Kabeshtov, his multifaceted activities in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry are highlighted, especially his contribution to the establishment of research work with pig breeding at the Kharkiv Society of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry and at the Poltava Experimental Field.
With the help of historical, biographical and source analysis methods, the main stages of the scientist's life have been recreated.
For the first time, I. M. Kabeshtov's innovative developments are described: the transition from three-field crop rotation to multi-field crop rotation with grass seeding, the creation of a fodder base using ensiled beets, which contributed to the optimization of animal husbandry and the reduction of losses from storage of root crops; development of the optimal ration for intensive fattening of pigs for export to international sales markets. To organize the agricultural landscape, the manager proposed his own method of afforestation of steep slopes and loose sands. Proved in practice that afforestation in arid conditions of the steppe can be profitable. He organized the Hrebinnik workshop of woven products. He presented his achievements in his scientific works and popularized them at agricultural exhibitions, congresses, and meetings of the Agricultural Societies: Southern Russia, Poltava, Kharkiv, of which he was a member.
Keywords |
I. M. Kabeshtov, scientist managing the estates of Count M. M. Tolstoy, sheep breeding, pig breeding, Kharkiv Society of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry, Poltava experimental field, fodder base, ensiled beets, grass seeding, afforestation, Hrebinnik workshop of woven products
References |
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