 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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23-40 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is to highlight the life path, as well as the creative contribution of one of the founders of the field of domestic sericulture, the organizer of higher professional education V. O. Bertenson. On the basis of the complex use of the principles of historicism, scientificity and objectivity, general scientific, interdisciplinary and special historical methods, as well as the use of a diverse source base, the main trends in the development of the sericulture industry in Ukrainian lands are highlighted.
For the first time, the achievements of V. O. Bertenson as Secretary and Chairman of the Sericulture Committee of the Imperial Agricultural Society of Southern Russia is summarized. On the basis of the study of foreign and domestic experience, he developed a project for the organization of an experimental station for sericulture in Odesa, substantiated the possibility of conducting several successive breeding of silkworms during one summer, proving the profitability of the development of this industry in the south of the country. As a teacher of the sericulture course at the Odesa Agricultural Institute, he prepared the first textbooks and guidelines for the training of specialists in the organization of sericulture farms, breeding and selection of various breeds of silkworms.
It is proved that V. O. Bertenson left a significant mark in science not only as a developer of the scientific foundations of silkworm breeding, an organizer of industry research institutions, but also as a popularizer of the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as advanced specialized farms in the field of sericulture. His scientific works were systematically published in the most authoritative domestic agricultural journals and republished as separate editions.
Keywords |
history of science, higher agricultural education, sericulture, silkworm, Imperial Society of Agriculture of Southern Russia, Odesa Agricultural Institute, V. O. Bertenson
References |
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