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11 |
Evhen Chykalenko's agrarism: experience of theoretical and methodological understanding
full article |
Rohozha M.
Pages: |
162–179 |
Summary |
The need to understand the activities of Evhen Chykalenko in agriculture in the South of Ukraine, accepted as agrarianism, in terms of current realities, to be seen as innovative for many reasons. One of the most powerful factors in choosing his natural work in agriculture was the social and living environment and education. In the next aggravating factor, the desire became long in the time of finding and obtaining agronomic education. In the space of obtaining general and special agricultural education, he became aware of his own Ukrainian identity. It is the result of being and communicating in the environment of the nationally conscious Ukrainian intelligentsia. Expulsion under the public supervision of the police strengthened E. Chykalenko's understanding of the need for Ukrainian national revival and legal work for it. At the same time, deportation to Pereshory, Kherson Province, returned him to the environment of agricultural production and made it necessary to make decisions on the management of estates and the formation of relations with peasants-tenants of land. Chykalenko began a complex and time-consuming process of modernizing the process of grain production, as the antithesis of traditional diversified agriculture. Gradually introducing innovations in lease relations with farmers, followed by understanding the results of work during the season, while introducing plowing with powerful plows, perceived as a prerequisite for six-crop rotation with a field of black steam, E. Chykalenko achieved appropriate results. But the final completion of E. Chikalenko's innovative activity was after the introduction of full (share) relations with the tenant peasants. It was in this process that E. Chykalenko's agrarianism proved to be the greatest, as the greatest attention was paid to the culture of field cultivation, care of crops, and application of organic fertilizers. Along with this, the process of convincing the expediency of rational management through crop rotations through black steam culture continued. The introduction of total (equity) management ensured E. Chykalenko economic independence and created conditions for activity as the "awakener of the Ukrainian nation".
Keywords |
Evhen Chykalenko, agrarianism, innovations, total (share) management, results
References |
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