09 |
To the history of the construction of the Bresto-Grayevska and Bendero-Galatska south-western railways
full article |
Petruchenko O.
Pages: |
137–149 |
Summary |
The history of the South-Western Railways is of great interest to modern historians of science and technology. Each generation has its own view of the world, but even those who understand the need for change have a negative attitude toward reformers. Railroad builders and reformers boldly went forward against the generally accepted views. And in this sense, the fate of the old railways on the territory of Ukraine is quite instructive for contemporaries. The article presents the economic context of the construction of the Bresto-Graevska and Bendero-Galatska railways. Undoubtedly, these railways were involved in major changes in the railway affairs of the Russian Empire. The history of the construction and operation of the railway network on the territory of Ukraine for more than a century is connected with the activities of many figures in the field of science and technology, production and economy.
The South-Western Railways Company played an important role in the development of capitalist relations in the economy of Tsarist Russia and neighboring countries. The Russo-Turkish war required new approaches to the organization of transportation of military equipment and cargo. At that time, the foundations of railway logistics science were laid. The ideas of the functioning of our old railways inspire new generations of railway workers of Ukraine for constructive activity.
Keywords |
railway transport, regional railways, science, technology, railway business
References |
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