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Formation of the scientific bases for growing peppermint in Ukraine: a historical flashback
full article |
Kutsenko N.
Pages: |
124–136 |
Summary |
The material presented contains the historical aspects of the distribution of peppermint and the features of its introduction into the culture. With the use of systemic, descriptive and subject-chronological methods and source analysis, the features of the formation of the scientific foundations for the study and cultivation of valuable medicinal, essential oil, food, aromatic, and decorative crops are reflected. Attention is drawn to the hybrid origin of the species, its use in official and folk medical practice from ancient times to the present. The main products obtained from peppermint are noted and the prospects for its wide use are noted due to recognition in world practice and inclusion in the list of recognized pharmacopoeial species. The chronology of studies of the systematic origin of peppermint in the world and Ukraine is analyzed. A significant contribution of domestic scientists to a comprehensive study of the species is noted. Attention is focused on the fact that the successful start of introductory and agrotechnical research work in Ukraine was laid by a famous scientist, head of the department of agronomy at Kharkiv University, Professor Anastasy Yegorovich Zaykevich in 1886. Taking into account the scientifically based conclusions of the famous scientist, regarding the prospects of the species, the basis for the successful introduction of peppermint into the culture was prepared, the economic feasibility of its cultivation was substantiated.
The Institute of Essential Oil Crops, the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants and the Prilutsk Experimental Station have become the leading institutions for a long time comprehensively researching mint. The existence of solid developments of Ukrainian scientists in the selection of mint, the study of the biological and biochemical characteristics of the culture, as well as its productive potential, was found out. A cohort of scientists of various profiles has been noted who have made a significant contribution to the development of "mint production" and the distribution of the species in culture. The chronology of the origins of the industrial cultivation of peppermint in the conditions of domestic culture was analyzed in order to obtain mint essential oil. The chronology of production volumes of mint products and the areas occupied by this crop are indicated. Based on the results of long-term research by many generations of scientists, the possibilities of effective cultivation and processing of peppermint in Ukraine have been substantiated. The need for further systematic study of mint culture and popularization of its integrated use is indicated.
Keywords |
peppermint, origin, distribution, use of raw materials, history, scientific research
References |
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