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06 |
Eastern policy of the Polish state in foreign historiography (1918 - 1939)
full article |
Pylypenko L.
Pages: |
120–137 |
Summary |
The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of coverage of the eastern policy of the Polish state in the interwar period in foreign historiography. The methodology is based on the basic principles of historicism, objectivity, multifactoriality and a comprehensive approach. Methods of historiographical research are used. Scientific novelty. On the basis of a wide range of historiographical sources, a study of the current state of coverage of the eastern Second Commonwealth in the interwar period in foreign historiography. Conclusions. Most older English-language studies of interwar Eastern Europe have tended to focus on two interrelated questions: Why have political and economic failures occurred in successor states? and what characterized the relationship between states and different national minorities? Answering both questions, generations of historians have studied the currently known list of political, economic and ethno-national issues. Studies of the interwar period published in communist Poland also covered public policy and attitudes toward national minorities. Although the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was originally seen as a bastion of right-wing nationalism, capitalism, landowners' interests, and bourgeois politics, the relative liberalization of the 1970s and 1980s gave rise to a wider range of historical works. After 1989, Polish historiography offered new ways of looking at the history of the Kress and their multinational population. Polish historiography - and much of English-language historiography - has done little research into what "Polishness" meant at the local level, meaning that "Polishness" was understood by the multiethnic population of Kress. In addition, although Polish historians acknowledge the existence of protonational groups in the Kress, such as Polishchuks, Hutsuls, Boyks, and Lemkos, they have not studied national indifference as a "category of analysis."
Keywords |
Polish-Ukrainian relations, borders, the Second Polish Commonwealth, interwar period, national minorities, historiography
References |
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