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14 |
Professor E.V. Khraplyvyi and his system of training of agricultural personnel
full article |
Utkin A.
Pages: |
244–275 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is to analyze the current problems of agronomy, economics, improvement of agricultural production, revealed in the creative heritage of professor, teacher, agronomist, cooperator and public figure E.V. Khraplyvyi. During his long production, research and pedagogical activities, he studied insufficiently clarified issues of theory and practice of agronomic and economic science. These areas of knowledge were supplemented by his system of agricultural training, concentrated in the program of building an educational network and training of economic specialists who will be able to reorganize efficient production, to carry out radical reforms of the Ukrainian countryside. The methodological basis is the principles of historicism, objectivity, science. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, logical, generalization), special historical methods (archival and source analysis, problem-chronological, periodization, personalization, biographical) were used to cover the problem. The complex application of these methods contributed to the acquisition of new knowledge, determining their value, reflecting the content, direction and significance of the creative heritage of the scientist.
It is proved that the scientific research of E.V. Khraplyvyi in the field of agronomy, skillful use of their results together with the implementation of the requirements of public agronomy and cooperative principles, comprehensive training of agricultural personnel in lower, secondary and higher educational institutions, the growth of general literacy of the population can increase the intensification of agricultural production and improve the lives of peasants.
Keywords |
agronomy, economy, agricultural production, cooperation, modern farming, training of agricultural specialists, spreading scientific knowledge
References |
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