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Significance of the first provincial congress of industrial cooperation November 16-19 1922 for the development of sugar production
full article |
Pidhaina T.
Pages: |
224–243 |
Summary |
The significance of the first provincial congress of industrial cooperation, which took place from 16 to 19 November 1922 in Kyiv, and its further impact on the development of industrial cooperation were considered the method of historical and scientific analysis. The following issues were considered at the meeting: 1) the importance of handicraft and small-scale industry and industrial cooperation in the economic life of the country; 2) State regulation of crafts and small-scale industry; 3) forms of production cooperation and its relationship with other types of cooperation; 4) financing of industrial cooperation; 5) organization of supply and marketing; 6) production activities of industrial cooperation; 7) assistance in the development of cooperation; 8) elections to the Governing Center. The reports were heard in which the importance of handicraft and small industry and industrial cooperation in the economic life of that time was revealed; state regulation of handicraft and small industry and industrial cooperation; measures for the development of industrial cooperation and its relationship with other types of cooperation. The meeting, held in Kiev on November 16, 1922, played a decisive role in agricultural cooperation in the development of peasant beet sowing and the relationship between agricultural cooperation and the sugar industry.
The conference, convened in Kyiv on November 16, 1922, played the decisive role of agricultural cooperation in the development of peasant beet sowing and the relationship between agricultural cooperation and the sugar industry. Cooperative support of the sugar beet industry was not a matter of simple mediation, it was a complex of the impact of agricultural cooperation as a socio-economic organization on the farm, providing assistance (credit, land management, providing the necessary tools, materials, etc.). Therefore, it was necessary to agree on all these issues and give the opportunity for agricultural cooperation to work in such conditions that guarantee a progressive increase in the influence of agricultural cooperation on agriculture, because only the introduction of sugar beet crops into the system of peasant farming will forever solve the issue of providing the sugar industry with raw materials
Keywords |
industrial cooperation, provincial congress, sugar industry, agriculture, handicraft industry
References |
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