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History of statistical observations of inventive activity in academic organization and Ukrainian universities
full article |
Kossko T.
Pages: |
185–197 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific and practical activity, amely statistical observation of inventive activity of scientific institution sand higher education establishments. The methodological basis of the study was general scientific, interdisciplinary and historical research methods. Analysis of historiographical document sand sources revealed that they did not sufficiently reflect the development of statistical observations of specifically inventive activity in Ukraine. V.L. Bogdanov, Yu.M. Kapitsa, V.P. Soloviov, B.А. Malitsky, G.O. Androschuk, M.I. Shinkarenko researched the is sues of inventive activity.
The development of international and national statistic sin the field of invention activity was significantly in fluenced by the activities of the European Union (EU) counries, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). A historical analys is of the implementation of statestatistical observations of inventive activity before 1991 is made. They contained data on a set of indicators thaprevailed during that period of time and socialorder. The experience of statistical observations of inventive activity in Ukraine and thene wly in dependent states, which were formed after the collapse of the USSR, is analyzed. Sincethe 1990 s, reporting under the 4-ST for industrial property activities has been main tained, with the in troduction of changest othe transition to a patent form of protection. Information on patenting was provided in annual report sand publications of author izedbodies in the field of intellectual property. The history of statistical observations of inventiv eactivity is an important source of in formation about scientific, technical, in novative and economic developmet of the country.
Keywords |
history of science and technology of Ukraine, object of intellectual property law, inventive activity, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in novative development, statistical observations, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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