 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
09 |
Historical aspects of amaranth culture in Ukraine
full article |
Grunwald N.
Pages: |
155–166 |
Summary |
This article considers the historical retrospective of amaranth culture in Ukraine. Through the use of systematic, descriptive and subject-chronological methods and source analysis, the peculiarities of growing little-known valuable culture of amaranth and potential opportunities for different industries are highlighted. Attention is drawn to the ancient origin of the plant, its use as a staple food in the ancient peoples of the world and the return to the systematic study of amaranth in the twentieth century. For Ukraine, amaranth is a new culture that can meet the demand for renewal of the resource of biologically valuable substances and competitive products in the consumer market. It is known that the properties of amaranth are extremely valuable, especially high yields, protein content, drought resistance and others. However, the cultivation of amaranth has not yet developed intensively and remains little known in the country and unpopular. The reasons for this are the lack of support from the state, although experts believe that Ukraine can claim the role of an efficient producer and supplier of amaranth products, given the sufficient economic efficiency. It is established that the intensification of research was carried out in the 1980s in connection with the need to diversify grain crops, increase their varietal and species range. The complexity of the potential for the use of raw materials from amaranth has aroused interest in many European countries and in particular in Ukraine. Leading experts in the culture of amaranth were researchers from the National Botanical Garden. M.M. Grishko, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev and others.
The presence of thorough work of scientists on amaranth breeding, study of biological and biochemical features of culture, as well as its productive potential has been clarified. Researchers optimized the collection fund and continue to select the most promising species of amaranth. Based on certain factors influencing the yield of amaranth crops, technologies for growing and processing amaranth for fodder, food, technical and other purposes have been developed. According to the results of long-term research, scientists have substantiated the possibilities of effective cultivation and processing of amaranth in Ukraine, 24 varieties of domestic selection are included in the State Register of Plants of Ukraine. The need for further systematic study of amaranth culture and popularization of its use in processing industries is noted.
Keywords |
amaranth culture, nutritional value, cultivation technologies, use of raw materials
References |
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