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08 |
Participation of the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory in the observation of a total solar eclipse in June 1936
full article |
Balyshev M.
Pages: |
137–154 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to a study of the history of astronomy in Kharkiv in the 1930s. Its aim is to reflect the events, related to the work of the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory expedition during the observation of a total solar eclipse on June 19, 1936 in the North Caucasus.
The background for the participation of the University’s Astronomical Observatory in the observation of the Solar eclipse are considered; the choice of the location of the expedition was clarified; the process of formation of the scientific program and tool base, used during the observations, was described; the phases of work at the temporary observatory in Bilorechenska village are given; the conclusions from the obtained results are summarized. Archival documents, which were first taken into consideration, made it possible to reproduce the chronological sequence of events related to the activities of Kharkiv astronomers during of the solar eclipse, and to clarify a number of facts that are not well known.
The participation of outstanding astronomers Boris Gerasimovich and Mykola Barabashov in the preparation of the expedition of the university observatory was investigated, the personal heritage of scientists in the formation of scientific tasks and preparation of the instrument base was described.
The author applied special research methods (historical-chronological, retrospective and source analysis methods), the use of which allowed to identify features of the involvement and participation of representatives of the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory during the observation «the great soviet eclipse».
It is assumed that the materials of the historical and scientific investigation of the activities of the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory expedition during the observation of the total Solar eclipse on June 19, 1936 will be used in the research work, devoted to the history of astronomy in Kharkiv the first half of XX century.
Keywords |
Mykola Barabashov, coronagraph, observation of the Sun, astronomical expedition, «the great soviet eclipse», stellar corona, Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory
References |
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