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07 |
Providing farmers and processors of agricultural products in the Ukrainian territories of the Russian Empire with agricultural machines and implements, as well as equipment for processing agricultural raw materials in the 1860s - 1870s
full article |
Annenkova N., Bey R.
Pages: |
121–136 |
Summary |
The article identifies the main sources of providing farmers and processors of agricultural products in the Ukrainian territories of the Russian Empire in the 1860s - 1870s with agricultural machines and implements, as well as equipment for processing agricultural raw materials, establishes the main stages by formation process of these sources and the main reasons that determined this process course. It was found that during the period under study there were quantitative and qualitative changes in the main sources of receipts of agrarian machines and tools for their Ukrainian consumers, which was primarily determined by socio-economic transformations in the Russian Empire as a whole. It has been established that during all the 60s - 70s of the XIX century the need of Ukrainian agricultural producers for advanced equipment in the scientific and technical sense was satisfied exclusively by its import, and this need itself increased as the scientific and technical activities scale grew into the field of agrarian production in Ukraine. The manufacture of primitive agricultural machines in the early 1860s was still mainly carried out directly by their users, although processing equipment was already producing by specialized craft and industrial establishments. By the end of the 60s of the nineteenth century this method of machine production became the main one in the manufacture of agricultural machinery, and in the first half of the 1870s, the industrial production of agricultural machines, by copying their designs from foreign prototypes, began to dominate over the handicraft, finally displacing it at the turn of the 1870s - 1880s from among the main sources of receipts such equipment for the corresponding market of the Russian Empire.
Keywords |
agrarian engineering, agricultural machinery, enterprise, processing industry, equipment, mechanical workshop
References |
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