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06 |
Numerical, national and social composition of the population of Horodenky county of Stanislavsky Voivodship in the inter-war (1919– 1939)
full article |
Levkun O.
Pages: |
87–120 |
Summary |
In this article, the author conducted a thorough study, the relevance of which is to reflect the objective reconstruction of the historical development of the ethnoregion Pokuttya and is devoted to studying the numerical, national and social composition of the population of Horodenka district of Stanislavsky voivodeship in the interwar period. At this time, residents had to live in difficult economic and political conditions, there was a decline. The decline was everywhere. The authorities of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth restrained national and social and economic development of Ukrainians in Galicia Pokuttia. However, they were able to take part in the election and somehow affect local political life. The population census plays not only a statistical function. It was a way of implementing political plans and adopting reforms. A political component of any social statistics has always been a crucial reason for their falsification. A prerequisite for our research was the determination of the quantitative component. It is impossible to analyze the scientific problem without this aspect. The article reveals and analyzes the results of population censuses in 1921 and 1931, characterizes the ethnic and social composition of inhabitants of Horodenka District of Stanislav Province in the Inter-War Period of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It analyzes labor and living conditions, reveals the impact of polonization and osadniks politics on the increase in the number of the Polish population by 21%. The article defines indicators of the revival of the native Ukrainian population, which has totally compensated huge losses during the First World War within a short time, as well as determines the ethnic composition of district population and relations between different nations in the district. One found out that the district had the largest number of Ukrainians – 73.5%, 21.2 % of Polish people, 5.1% of Jewish people. It was proven that the majority of the population of Horodenka District included in Pokuttia ethnic region lived in a rural area – 78.4% while 21.6% of citizens lived in such cities as Horodenka, Obertyn and Chernelytsia.
The scope of research is the population of Horodenka District as a part of Pokuttia, its number, material and spatial activities in daily life (employment, accommodation, nutrition).
The study of ethnodemography of Horodenka District is relevant. It results in new approaches to the vision and understanding of general historical processes in Pokuttia as an integral part of Galicia.
Keywords |
Horodenka District, the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, ethnic composition of population, Jewish people of Horodenka region, Armenians, population census, confession, Latynnyky, statistics, Roman Catholics of Pokuttia
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