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05 Professional activity and political views of S.P. Tymoshenko full article
Dyakova Н., Bondarenko A.
Pages: 72–86

Today, Ukraine needs to glorify national conscious Ukrainians who are focused on Western civilization. Among them, Sergey Prokopovich Tymoshenko occupies an important place.

The purpose of the article is to represent his activity which led him to participation in the Ukrainian independence movement.

Sergey Prokopovich Tymoshenko was born on January 23, 1881 in the Chernigov region. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineers. As a student he took an active political stand.

After graduating from the University Tymoshenko moved to Kovel. In 1908 he was invited to Kiev, and next year after that he moved to Kharkov. Working at the railway, Sergey Prokopyevich designed industrial and housing facilities. He also participated in Ukrainian public life.

Well-ordered life was broken off in 1917: the desire to create an independent Ukraine appeared. Tymoshenko directly participates in this.

On October 25, a temporary government was overthrowed in Petrograd. Two authorities established in the region: Ukrainian Central Rada (UCR) in Kiev and the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee in Kharkov. This led to chaos. The situation has stabilized in the spring of 1918, when Kharkov was occupied by the troops of the UCR and Germany. On April 29, P. Scoropadsky came to power, and in December, Ukraine was headed by directory. Tymoshenko wasappointed to become a deputy provincial commissioner of Kharkiv region, and soon he became the provincial commissioner.

After the cancelling of the Brest Treaty, the Bolsheviks launched an offensive to Ukraine from Kharkov. The UNR troops could not resist the Red Army. Tymoshenko arrived in Kiev asking for help, but received a refusal.

After the defeat of the revolution, Tymoshenko emigrated to Poland. In 1924 he was invited to teach a plastic art in the Ukrainian Economic Academy. In 1929 Tymoshenko moved to Lutsk. During this time he was also engaged in public and political activities. During the German occupation, he worked in the organization named Todta. In 1943 he moved to Germany, and in 1946 - to the United States. He died on July 6, 1950

The period of his stay in the Russian Empire is important in the life of Sergey Prokopyevich Tymoshenko. During this time he was formated as a national conscious Ukrainian, and an experienced specialist in architecture

Sergey Prokopyevich Tymoshenko, architect, politician, public figure, revolution, emigration
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