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John George Pinzel in the sociocultural space of Ukraine
full article |
Bilyk N., Uhryn A.
Pages: |
43–55 |
Summary |
John George Pinzel (?–1761) was formed as a person and artist in Galicia during the period of domination of the Baroque artistic style. Biography of one of the most talented sculptors of the 18th century is associated with the city of Buchach in Ternopil region. His creative legacy represents the close connection of Western Ukrainian lands with European culture. Numerous works of the master, created by him for the Christian churches of Galicia, have been preserved to this day. J.G. Pinzel's sculptures reflected a new phenomenon of the plastic arts as a synthesis of European Baroque artistic traditions with the peculiarities of local carving; they are characterized by a deep psychology of images and a bright expressive form of embodiment of the author's idea. Almost all the surviving works of J.G. Pinzel are collected in the state museums of Western Ukraine. Until recently, the creative heritage of the master was known only in narrow professional circles. Today, the figure of the artist, who is called «Galician Michelangelo», needs proper attention and recognition in Ukraine. The goal of the research is to investigate the figure of John George Pinzel in the sociocultural space of Ukraine, to analyze the main directions of popularization of the name and creative heritage of the sculptor in the XXI century. The research methodology of the research is based on the integrated application of general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, and historical ones: historical-comparative, historical-typological and historical-systematic. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is reflected both in the very formulation of the problem and in a comprehensive approach to its solution, the paper is a research of the popularization of the creative heritage of I. G. Pinzel in Ukraine. Conclusions. The personality of I. G. Pinzel plays an important role in the social and cultural space of Ukraine. State and public initiatives contributed to the popularization of the sculptor's name and work: such events as the «Year of John George Pinzel» in 2007 and the festival «Days of Pinzel in Buchach», as well as films, scientific research publications, art albums and works of art dedicated to J.G. Pinzel. Numerous activities of the project «Under the Star of Pinzel» raised awareness of the significant contribution of the creative heritage of J.G. Pinzel in the cultural diversity of Galicia and intercultural dialogue with Western Europe, and contributed to the development of cultural diplomacy in the 21st century.
Keywords |
John George Pinzel, sculptor, sociocultural space, Ukraine
References |
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