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02 International experience and preservation of the cultural heritage of the republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization full article
Kharkovenko R.
Pages: 25–42

Every element of cultural heritage, every archaeological object is an integral part of the historical whole, «vital for the knowledge of human history», and in its historical and cultural meaning they are unique and unique. Their loss cannot be compensated. Therefore, to preserve the cultural heritage is the right and duty of every nation, because the person of society is reflected in the values that are the source of creation.

The main achievement of the last century in the field of monument protection is the recognition of the cultural heritage of each country as part of the common heritage of all mankind, which requires international legal protection and preservation. The international community has made a significant contribution to the monuments protection of the past: special international organizations for the protection of cultural heritage have been established and an international legal framework has been developed, which has become the foundation for national legislation in the field of cultural heritage relevance to this day, and the role of the state in this area has become one of the most important.

Since the mid-1990s, there has been a growing interest in preserving cultural heritage due to the awareness of peoples of their ethnic identity. And this awareness is awakening. Today, many nations are acutely aware of the urgent need to protect and preserve their unique forms of cultural expression. The whole value of cultural heritage for each specific area is increasingly realized against the background of the phenomenon of «globalization».

New approaches to the prospect of preserving cultural heritage from an economic point of view are expressed in the concept of cultural capital, when cultural heritage is considered as accumulated real estate and contains a balanced assessment of both cultural and economic value of cultural heritage sites.

Thus, today, when new trends appear and projects are implemented in the practice of cultural heritage preservation, the definition of the concept of «cultural heritage preservation» acquires a broader meaning. Traditionally, it has been limited to legal, scientific and technical means to stop or prevent the destruction of cultural heritage sites and monuments. In a broader sense, cultural heritage preservation should include the interpretation of the concept of «cultural heritage», its lists, deep reflections on the attitude to and care for cultural heritage, political and legal measures and driving forces to support it, financing of all activities for the cultural heritage preservation.

The people of Kazakhstan have a long history, are the owners of cultural heritage, which has entered the treasury of world civilization. The Republic of Kazakhstan is not inferior to many Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries in terms of the number and variety of monuments. Archaeological finds confirm the high level of development of the civilization of settled agricultural and nomadic cultures of ancient tribes that inhabited the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Scythians, Sakas, Savromats, Huns, Usuns, Kangls (I century BC), and then the Turks, Karluks, Oguz. , Kipchaks.

Economic, political, social changes taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the late XX – early XXI centuries, have led to qualitative changes in the attitude of the state and society to cultural heritage.

The current state of cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized by a set of measures taken by the state to preserve and develop centuries-old traditions, opening new cultural heritage sites, restoration of mausoleums, ancient mosques, creation of new historical and cultural museums-reserves, discovery of archival documents of historical significance in cultural heritage of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The most significant process of the modern world is economic and cultural globalization, which has a significant impact on the problems of formation and implementation of policy in the field of cultural heritage protection. At the beginning of the XXI century preservation of cultural heritage is a living issue. Today, when new trends appear and projects are implemented in the practice of cultural heritage preservation, the definition of the concept of «cultural heritage preservation» acquires a broader meaning.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has been a member of UNESCO for more than 75 years. But after the proclamation of the republic's independence, contacts with UNESCO became much more active and with the opening in December 1994 of the UNESCO Office in Almaty became more nationally oriented. As a result, certain achievements in the relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNESCO in the field of cultural heritage protection have become possible.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues in the field of cultural heritage protection are among the top priorities. One of the priorities of promoting the Republic of Kazakhstan among the 50 most competitive and dynamically developed countries in the world is to strengthen the role of culture in the process of statehood on the basis of multinational and multi-religious Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, the idea is rooted and successfully implemented in the minds of Kazakhstani society, the essence of which is that a Kazakhstani should be not only healthy and educated, but, above all, cultural.

Preservation and reproduction of cultural heritage creates the necessary conditions for the spiritual and intellectual development of Kazakhstani society, which seeks to worthily represent the Republic of Kazakhstan in the world community.

cultural heritage protection, cultural heritage object, monument
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