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To changes of agricultural thinking: from cultural plants to culture of agriculture
full article |
Baziv V.
Pages: |
1–24 |
Summary |
In the era of the growth of the fourth (digital) wave in the modern world, the requirements for the intellectualization of agricultural activity are increasing, in which the information technology side is inextricably linked with the sociocultural one. In agrarian practices, a triangle “activity-language-thinking” has developed, the reality of which is embodied in concrete transformations of landscapes and the communication potential of communities, while agrarian thinking remained in the shadows.
The use of land resources for the cultivation of cultivated plants created a long-term stereotype in the thinking of farmers, which was regularly reproduced and reinforced by productive agricultural technologies. Thus, a specific layer of agrarian thinking arose, which corresponds to a set of features (the reality of the "empty world", the "continental" technique of thinking, economic and technological priorities), which created the prerequisites for identifying the stage of formation and evolution of agrarian thinking.
Understanding further shifts in agricultural thinking suggests the effect of a dynamic interaction of previously absent factors (the “full world” phenomenon, the “island thinking” technique, the value priorities of the agricultural sphere), which forms a new paradigm of thinking. This means that a new situation is emerging, which is determined by the characteristics of the agrosphere, where the main resource is the intellectual and creative potential of a person, which is reflected in the culture of agriculture.
Keywords |
agriculture, cultivated plants, agrarian thinking, farming culture
References |
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