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Formation of the scientific dimension of land centralism as a socio-cultural concept of the historical development of Ukrainian society
full article |
Baziv V.
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1–15 |
Summary |
The concept of «agrarian biographics» and «agrarian biographistics» is considered in the Ukrainian society entered the era of modern transformational processes without long-term strategic guidelines. Historical and social sciences have not been able to develop reliable "road signs" to the future. Therefore, attention is increasing to ideas that can accumulate the experience, faith, knowledge and hopes of people, but are still in the shackles of stereotypes or in the web of fragments of outdated paradigms. One of these ideas, which needs to be filled with new meaning in modern conditions, is land-centrism.
Scientific understanding of the problem requires the rejection of the identification of geocentrism and land centrism, the awareness of the depth of the connection of land centrism with the agricultural activities of people, with their attitude to nature, to the meaning of their work, to the future. The consequence of scientific demarcation is the awareness of geocentrism as a planetary-ideological doctrine of a particular era, and earth-centrism acts as a socio-spiritual program with signs of a guide to the future.
Earthcentrism is evolving from an idea through a concept to a viable program. Such vitality is based on thousands of years of the unity of people with the earth, that is, on the strength of agriculture, the horizons of land use, the possibilities of the culture of agriculture. This means that land-centrism is being transformed from a historical peripheral term into a constructive concept that gives new meanings to Ukrainian identity in the context of modern transformations.
Keywords |
land centrism, agriculture, land use, culture of agriculture
References |
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