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World’s libraries: history of creation and modern information сapacities (on the example of France and Germany)
full article |
Sytnikova A.
Pages: |
225–238 |
Summary |
The article highlights the historical stages of formation the world libraries, aspects of the use and distributing information on its various storage medium, the possibilities of use electronic form and full-text access.
The purpose of the article is to study the history and information capabilities of foreign libraries, the practical using new electronic technologies in library systems.
The history of two foreign libraries the National Library of France and the German National Library has been studied. The scientific novelty of the publication is to substantiate the contribution of world libraries into new processes of electronic informational support, the production of their own digitized databases. The research methodology is based on the author's use of the methods of historical and scientific analysis, as well as the comparison method and method of systematization.
The article also describes the formation of world library funds, their population and content, discusses the advantages of the introduction of new technologies that create comfort for users to get the information they need at any time. This clearly affects the scientific progress of foreign countries. After all, the preservation of paper information on electronic storage medium has significantly improved the activities of national libraries, which has solved the problem of the information long-term storage in the institutions. The electronic databases of world libraries, as well as participation in international projects, was analised, in particular the National Library of France, which became a member of the French-language informational network (RFN - Réseau fhrancophone numérique), from November 1, 2011, the digital library Gallica, which began its activities in 1997 and German National Library, for which the following projects became important: «SHAMAN» (Sustaining Heritage trought Multivalent Archiving), «IMPAKT» (Improving Access to Text) «Europa Net».
Keywords |
information capabilities, digital libraries, latest technologies, library, information
References |
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