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11 |
I. M. Yeremeiev’s activities at the Pushkin branch of the All-Russia Institute OF Plant Industry
full article |
Safarians H.
Pages: |
153–169 |
Summary |
In the post-industrial era, the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy is gaining importance all over again. That is exactly the reason for emerging interest in previous research in the field of agriculture, which once gave impetus to economic development. One of the prominent figures in agronomic science in the twentieth century was a researcher, scientist and teacher Ivan Maksymovych Yeremeiev.
The article is aimed to disclose main aspects of research activities of the scientist during his work at Pushkin branch of the All-Russia Institute of Plant Industry and his contribution to breeding research. The paper applies general historical methods, analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization, historical-chronological and historical-biographical retrospective methods. Historiographical analysis of the study revealed the lack of comprehensive research on the scientific work of the scientist. Of great value in the study are the works of the scientist, which reveal the essence of his scientific work in the field of selection, hybridization and phytopapology of plants.
The main directions of Yeremeiv's scientific activity in the studied period are singled out: systematization of the existing varieties of winter and spring wheat of the USSR; breeding a number of new species of barley, oats, wheat and peas; scientific work as a member of the scientific council VIR and publication of works. The author generalized and detailed the main characteristics and methods of plant breeding. The article notes that the scientist was awarded the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences for a set of scientific papers.
He entered the history of agricultural sciences as an outstanding scientist, inventor of new varieties of agricultural crops, author of fundamental scientific works on plant breeding and hybridization. His work has become a valuable asset in the study of agricultural breeding in the future.
Keywords |
І. М. Yeremeiev, All-Russia Institute of Plant Industry, wheat, selection, scientific and research activity
References |
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