The development of agricultural science and production largely depends on complete and timely information about everything new and advanced. Therefore, great importance was attached to agricultural literature. In 1921 under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, a Central Interdepartmental Commission was created for the purchase and distribution of foreign literature. This institution was tasked with concentrating in special libraries one copy of all the latest foreign technical and scientific journals and books in all major cities, and regular receipt of all periodicals. In accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR «On the centralization of librarianship in the RSFSR», published on November 3, 1920 all libraries, regardless of their departmental subordination, were to be united into a single library network under the leadership of the People's Commissariat for Education, which was assigned a particularly important role in organizing librarianship. On January 1, 1922 3067 libraries functioned in Ukraine, including in the city – 293 and in the countryside – 2774, the book fund of which was 5831271 publications. Within 20-30years in the USSR, a network of agricultural research institutes was created and widely developed. In 1929 in accordance with the decision of the Soviet government, the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (AUAAS), the highest scientific institution on agricultural issues in the USSR, was created. The Academy was a scientific and methodological center that directed and coordinated the work of scientific research institutes and experimental stations of the USSR from the main branches of agriculture, developed and scientifically substantiated measures for the comprehensive development of agriculture in different regions of the country. Organizationally, the network of agricultural libraries was strengthened after the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1959 «On the state and measures to improve librarianship in the country». By order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR №43 of March 19, 1960 «On improving the work of agricultural libraries» at the Central Agricultural Library AUAAS, methodological guidance was given to the entire network of libraries of agricultural research institutions, as well as educational institutions. More than 800 titles of indexes, bibliographies and other bibliographic aids on agricultural issues, prepared by the country's largest libraries, were published annually to help science and production in the USSR. It should be noted that, in addition to branch libraries, information support for agricultural specialists was carried out by state rural libraries, which were created under village councils by decision of the executive committees of regional councils of deputies. According to the regulation on the rural library, it could be open in the presence of at least 1 thousand publications, a separate room and the necessary equipment. The head of the library was appointed by the village council and approved by the regional department of culture. On average in the country, there were 6-7 settlements per village council, which were often several kilometers away from the village council. Therefore, library services for the population of the village council could be provided only by a combination of stationary and mobile libraries organized by collective farms and the state. Mobile libraries played an important role in providing information to specialists who were involved in industrial fishing, logging, and etc. Information services of collective farms, state farms, and agricultural enterprises were one of the important components of the STI system. Practice has shown that there was a direct relationship between the production and economic indicators of the activities of enterprises and the level of information work that they carried out, especially indicatively this could be traced in the activities of advanced farms. An important role was played by agricultural departments, created at the end of the 60years at the regional universal libraries, which served as coordination regional centers for information support of information requests of agricultural specialists. Central Scientific Agricultural Library Southern Branch(SB) AUAAS as a scientific and methodological center of the network of branch libraries of the USSR since 1973 began work on the creation of a regional consolidated catalog of foreign publications containing the funds of agricultural libraries of the USSR and Moldavia. Coordination of agricultural libraries for scientific and information support of industry specialists was complicated due to a number of reasons. So, let us note that the Central National Agricultural Library of the SB AUAAS was the only independent scientific agricultural library, others functioned as structural subdivisions at research institutes and universities, which were subordinate to four different departments. Since the 70years Central National Agricultural Library of the SB AUAAS was designated by the republican depository of agricultural literature. Foreign bibliographic indexes were also an integral part of information support for agriculture.