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13 |
The personalities of the electrical industry: the founder of low-voltage electrical engineering of Ukraine - professor B.F. Vashura
full article |
Tverytnykova O., Gutnyk M., Grechko O.
Pages: |
205–226 |
Summary |
The scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor Borys Fedorovych Vashura – the founder of the direction of low-voltage electrical engineering of Ukraine – was considered. It is claimed that at the beginning of the XX century, all the necessary conditions for the development of electrical education in Ukraine were created. Professor Pavlo Kopniaiev began quite powerful research in the field of electrical measurements, electrical machines, high-voltage engineering, theoretical electrical engineering and training of electrical engineers in the Kharkiv Institute of Technology at the end of the XIX century.
It was emphasized that the scientific work and biography of Professor B.F. Vashura – the first head of the “Electric devices” department had not been studied separately yet. The authors presented the information about the family of the future scientist, his education and the first years of activity. The facts about his work at the Kharkiv Electromechanical Plant were given. It was noted that B.F. Vashura was the author of methods for calculating the resistance of automatic and non-automatic control devices for generators and engines, which were widely used in design organizations and the electrical industry of the USSR. The information on B. Vashura᾽s teaching activity at the Kharkiv Electrotechnical Institute (KhETI) was considered. Scientist had developed a number of original disciplines that were taught only at this institute. The department under the guidance of the scientist became a leader in the training of scientific and engineering personnel in the field of low-voltage electrical equipment and scientific and technical problems of apparatus construction in the USSR. The activity of the department in evacuation during the World War II, re-evacuation and in the first post-war years was considered. In addition, information about graduate students and the topics of their research was provided. For the first time, the most complete list of B.F. Vashura’s postgraduate students has been formed. It was stated that during 1960s, for the first time in the USSR, automatic high-speed switches were created for traction substations of electrified roads.
The activity of the scientist in the student scientific society was also illustrated, and also the information on the scientific edition “Apparatus” founded by the scientist was provided. The most complete bibliography of Professor B.F. Vashura᾽s works was presented.
Keywords |
electrical devices, automatic control and regulation, B.F. Vashura, NTU “KhPI”, electrical engineering of Ukraine
References |
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