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The scientific heritage of Nicolai Anhorn Hartwiss, the second director of the Nikita Botanical Garden
full article |
Rubtsova O., Chuvikina N.
Pages: |
191–204 |
Summary |
The aim of the article. To study in detail the scientific heritage of Nicolai Anhorn Hartwiss, the second director of the Nikita Botanical Garden.
Methods. Historical-scientific, source-studying
Scientific interests of N.A. Hartviss covered a wide range of issues: introduction and acclimatization of plants, breeding, viticulture and winemaking, plant diseases and pests. His publications, of which there are currently six, were devoted to the results of work of the Nikita Botanical Garden and the Magarach School of Winemaking, as well as the acclimatization of plants and diseases and pests of grapes. The researcher successfully used those scientific developments in practice. Scientific works of N.A. Hartwiss, which are now bibliographic rarities, are indispensable manuals on the history of the Nikita Botanical Garden, as well as the history of the introduction of new plants into culture, their acclimatization and selection.
Conclusions. N.A. Hartwiss proved to be a versatile person – a talented introducer and breeder, as well as an excellent organizer. N.A. Hartwiss made a vast contribution to introduction and acclimatization of woody plants. Scientific works of N.A. Hartwiss, which are now bibliographic rarities, are indispensable manuals on the history of the Nikita Botanical Garden, as well as the history of the introduction of new plants into culture, their acclimatization and selection.
Keywords |
N.A. Hartviss, introduction, selection, viticulture, Nikita botanical garden
References |
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