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11 |
Professor G.F. Podoba (1872–1943) – developer of methodical fundamentals of breeding work, organizer of the system of zootechnical education in Ukraine
full article |
Podoba B., Borodai I.
Pages: |
176–190 |
Summary |
The purpose of the study is to highlight the life and creative path of one of the developers of the domestic breeding work, the organizer of the zootechnical education system Georgy Fedorovych Podoba. The research methodology is based on the author's use of methods of historical-scientific analysis (comparative-historical, subject-chronological, typology and systematization), as well as the biographical method. The source base of the study covers a wide range of published and unpublished sources, it is based on the archival materials of a biographical nature and handwritten scientific works by G.F. Podoba which the first introduced into scientific circulation. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the substantiation of the researcher's creative contribution to the formation of the theory of individual development of farm animals. The creative initiatives of G.F. Podoba to the development and implementation of the first breeding books and the organization of the first breeding reproducer of cattle are highlighted.
The scientific papers of the researcher contributed to the development of ontogenetic doctrine on the basis of taking into account the influence of selection and zootechnical measures, as well as the conditions of feeding and keeping on the formation of animal productivity. G.F. Podoba's contribution to the formation of one of the most famous pedigree reproducers of the Swiss breed in the Russian Empire, organized at the Mainivka Agricultural School, is revealed. G.F. Podoba as a breeder identified the main factors of formation of high potential of farm animals on the example of Mainivka Swiss, which gives grounds for their use in modern dairy farming in order to form adaptability and progress in solving the problem of organic production
Keywords |
breeding work, animal husbandry, research work, zootechnical education, Swiss breed, ontogenesis, pedigree reproducer, G.F. Podoba
References |
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