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Сhapters of history of the practical field of Uman school of agriculture and horticulture (second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century)
full article |
Kostiuk M., Harbar O.
Pages: |
160–175 |
Summary |
The article deals with the history of agricultural research formation at Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture on the example of a practical field, reorganized into a practical economy on a commercial basis starting from its creation at the beginning of the 20th century.
It was found that with the significant practical training in the educational process of the school great importance was a paid to scientific research: it was one of the research founders not only in the region but also in Ukraine. It was established that the training, production and research base of the school was sufficient for research activities.
It is noted that the activities of V.V. Pashkevych at Uman School contributed to the further development of fruit and ornamental horticulture and viticulture in the Russian Empire, and later in Ukraine. It is emphasized that S.M. Vukolov first organized teaching vegetable growing on a scientific basis while working at Uman School of Horticulture and Agriculture, and V.I. Edelstein introduced the use of insulated soil. It is established that P.G. Schytt was the first at school to study the root system and nutrition of fruit trees, the patterns of growth and the cyclical nature of their ontogenetic development. It is proved that the versatile scientific and pedagogical activity of scientists- teachers of Uman School had an important educational and practical value for improving the level of agricultural production, conducting it on a scientific basis.
Keywords |
Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture, practical field, practical economy, commercial basis, scientific research
References |
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