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07 |
Main ways of tendentious processing of historical information in the Soviet historiography of national electrical machine-building in 1920s - 1930s
full article |
Annienkov I.
Pages: |
92–117 |
Summary |
The article highlights and summarizes the most common in the Soviet historiography of the national electrical machine-building of the 1920s - 1930s, arguments in favor of statements about the achievement by this industry at the end of the period under study, one of the world's highest indicators of the quantitative and qualitative level of production. After that, their analysis was carried out for the correspondence of information’s presented in historiography and contained in historical sources, the results of which revealed distortions by Soviet historiography of the real historical picture, performed by various methods of tendentious processing of historical information, most used of which were systematized. It was established that the general purpose of the distortions of the real historical picture of the development of national electrical machine-building during the 1920s - 1930s was the formation of an integral paradigm of the fundamental possibility of achieving the rapid development of the branch, in a rate, that many times higher than in all previously known cases, but exclusively by using the "Soviet" model of development management its scientific and technical potential, but not any other. The ways of distorting historical information used in the Soviet profile historiography in the creating of this paradigm were classified according to specific functional purpose, application technologies and formation methodology. Also, the main symptoms of the textual manifestation of tendentious approaches to the formation of a historical picture of the development of national electrical machine-building during the 1920s - 1930s and the most reliable methods for verification of the corresponding historical information provided by Soviet historiography were determined.
Keywords |
branch, electrical machine-building, electrical engineering, historiography, historical information, historical paradigm, historical fact, scientific-technical potential, industry, tendentious
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