Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
02 |
Agrarian women’s biographics in the context of gender studies
full article |
Demuz I.
Pages: |
16–32 |
Summary |
The existence of women’s history, historical branch biographics and women’s biographics of a separate line of historical and scientific works within gender studies was announced in the article.
The attention is focused on the object field of gender (women’) history in the national scientific discourse; it has been found out that research investigation of women’s place in science in general and in agriculture in particular occupies a special place. In scientific literature research investigation of the issues of women in science is concentrated on three main directions: the first – women’s accession into scientific activity; the second – outstanding women-scientists of Ukraine; the third – women’s problems in scientific sphere of modern Ukraine. Among these research groups a special place is given to biographics.
In terms of historical biographics the following areas as branch biographics and women’s biographics have been determined. It is found that women’s biographics in agriculture is the set of women-scientists’ scientific portraits of the agricultural area, branch bibliographic and biobibliograpic reference works (biographical dictionaries, reference books, biographical segments of universal, branch and regional encyclopedias), formation of electronic biographic information resources, dedicated to agrarians. Women issue in science generally and agriculture in particular has its unique biographical narrative, an incompletely developed research methodology that awaits fundamental theoretical and practical advances in this direction.
The contribution to the development of historical and feminological research in the field of agrarian sciences of the profile institution – National scientific agricultural library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine was highlighted, in particular regarding the publication of branch bibliographical and biobibliographical reference works about T.F. Derlemkko, O.P. Dovhopola, V.A. Zlenko, N.V. Kostenko, G.I. Krilov, L.O. Lisnevich, S.M. Onis’ko, D.D. Sigariov, L.M. Stepchenko, L.K. Taranenko, N.A. Fedorov, L.O. Shepot’ko and others. It is recommended to expand the existing serial publications of NSAL of NAAS with a separate series about women-scientists and women-agrarians, who made a significant contribution to the development of agricultural experimental work, agricultural economics and biological science etc.
Keywords |
gender, women’s history, women-scientists, woman in history, women’s biographics, branch biographics, agrarian women’s biographics
References |
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