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01 |
Olexander Oleksandrovych Brauner: pedagogical and educational activities
full article |
Bezlutska O.
Pages: |
1–15 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the analysis of the scientific-pedagogical and educational activities of the outstanding scientist-encyclopedist – Olexander Olexandrovych Brauner (1857 – 1941). It is found out that in the national historiography there are no thorough biographical studies, as well as the study and analysis of the scientist activities as a teacher, educator and promoter of science. The periodization of scientific and pedagogical activities of O. Brauner is carried out in the research. The following periods are distinguished: the first period (1901 – 1913) – counseling of students of Novorossiysk University; organization of the unforeseen students practice by the pre-revolutionary universities (in the Crimea, in the Caucasus); the second period (1913 – 1917) – educational activities and publications in the «School Excursions» Journal; teaching training courses for leaders of student and children's excursions; the third period (1917 – 1933) – lecturing at agricultural courses at the Society of Agriculture of Southern Russia and courses organized for employees of the State Steppe Reserve «Chapli»; participation in the development and teaching at the Odessa Agricultural Institute; scientific and pedagogical activity at the Odessa Institute of Public Education; fourth period (1939 – 1941) – teaching at Odessa University at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology; conducting a student zoological community; educational activities as a head of the zoological museum of the university. It was identified that combining pedagogical, research and public education activities, O. Brauner contributed to the development of agricultural education in southern Ukraine. O. Brauner’s role in the training of future well-known botanists, geologists, zoologists, paleontologists, geographers, ichthyologists, biogeochemists, ornithologists, entomologists, etc. is determined. It is shown that the main idea of O. Brauner as a teacher was the inclusion in the educational process of educational institutions, both secondary and higher education, disciplines related to nature protection and the nature of the native land. Prospects for further research led the scientific activity of O. Brauner in such fields as entomology, hunting, paleontology, archeology, edaphology, geology and hydrogeology.
Keywords |
Brauner, pedagogy, education, zoological museum, agricultural institute, zoology
References |
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