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07 |
Byzantium influences on cultural and artistic development Pereyaslavl Rus through the prism of activity bishop Ephraim
full article |
Tarapon O., Potapenko R.
Pages: |
88–101 |
Summary |
This article shows the activities of the bishop Ephraim Pereyaslavl end of XI - beginning of XII century in the direction of architectural and cultural and artistic development of Pereyaslavl. Pereyaslavl Rus was one of the important political and spiritual centers Rus. In the second half of the ХІ century Pereyaslavl prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich was grandiose construction has begun, initiator and inspirer became Bishop of Pereyaslavl (Metropolitan) Ephraim. The development of the city continued for prinse Vladimir Monomakh. Under the guidance Ephraim St. Michael's Cathedral was built, a city for the first time in Rus surrounded by a stone fortress wall with the church gate, St. Andrew's Church is being built. And a stone bath is being built in the bishop's court, similar to the buildings of Constantinople. As a result of construction activities Ephraim of Pereyaslavl formed the first in Rus after Kiev independent architectural school, which combined local traditions with Byzantium architectural canons and compiled a special page in Ancient Rus Culture. Artistic heritage of the medieval Pereyaslavl, on the formation of which had a direct impact bishop Ephraim, characterize the stable Byzantium features, which formed the basis of the elite current that period art and belonged to the most progressive phenomena of its time.
The Pereyaslavl architecture not only accumulated elements and features Byzantium traditions and various architectural schools Rus, she herself influenced the development of architecture other ancient n centers.
Keywords |
bishop Ephraim, Pereyaslavl, cultural and artistic development, architectural construction, Byzantium traditions
References |
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