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Article «To the centenary of death of the last kish ataman of the Zaporozhian Army Petro Kalnyshevsky» in «Kyivska starovyna» and it’s historiographical and archeographical significance
full article |
Kotsur H.
Pages: |
62–71 |
Summary |
It has been proven that the chronicle «Kyivska starovyna» had an important role to play in the ethnic and cultural revival of Ukraine of the late 19th century - early 20th century. It has become an important source of our history and has historiographical and archeographical value for modern researchers...
Among the huge thematic variety of studies, which appeared in the pages of «Kyivska starovyna», materials about Zaporozhian Host and the last Kish otaman Petro Kalnyshevsky held an important place. Throughout the «Kyivska starovyna» (1882–1906 рр.) history, there were published 67 works that entailed or were indirectly related to Zaporozhian leader.
It is noted that the article published under a cryptonym G. B. and entitled «To the centenary of death of the last Kish Ataman of the Zaporozhian army Petro Kalnyshevsky» takes a prominent place. We were the first to establish the author of scientific exploration.
The article in «Kyivska starovyna» provided detailed information about the nature, climate, and landscape of Solovki, and a description of Solovetsky Monastery. The article pays special attention to the place of imprisonment of Kish otaman P. Kalnyshevsky.
The article also addresses the philanthropy of P. Kalnyshevsky, his valuable gifts to the monastery. The Gospel, which was made at the expense of the Kish otaman and was donated to the monastery, is described separately. It was also highlighted the burial place of P. Kalnyshevsky.
Keywords |
P. Kalnyshevsky, Kish otaman, Zaporozhian Host, Solovki, Solovetsky Monastery, «Kyivska starovyna», Gospel
References |
- G. B. (1903). Ko dnyu stoletney konchiny poslednego koshevogo Voyska Zaporozhskogo Petra Kalnyshevskogo [To the centenary of death of the last Kish Ataman of the Zaporozhian army Petro Kalnyshevsky]. Kіevskaya starina [Kyivska starovyna]. 83. Oktyabr'. 203-207. [in Russian].
- Dei, O. I. (1969). Slovnyk ukrainskykh psevdonimiv ta kryptonimiv (ХVI – ХХ st.) [Dictionary of Ukrainian pseudonyms and cryptonyms (ХVІ – ХХ)]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka. 559. [in Ukrainian].
- Zabiiaka, I. M. (2013). Epistoliarna spadshchyna Vasylia Horlenka [The epistolary legacy of Vasyl Horlenko]. Monohrafiia. Vyd. 2-he, dopovn. i pererobl. Biblioteka almanakhu «Vitriak». Vyp. 5. Kyiv. 400. [in Ukrainian].
- Paliienko, M. H. (2005). «Kievskaya starina» (1882–1906): Systematychnyi pokazhchyk zmistu zhurnalu [«Kyivska starovyna» (1882–1906): Systematic index of the journal content]. Kyiv: Tempora. 608. [in Ukrainian].
- Paliienko, M. H. (2005). «Kievskaya starina» (1882–1906): Khronolohichnyi pokazhchyk zmistu zhurnalu [«Kyivska starovyna» (1882–1906): Chronological index of the journal content]. Kyiv: Tempora. 480. [in Ukrainian].