The basis of the information resource of the agricultural sector are funds of the NSAL of NAAS. Creation of its own databases, use of total branch information resource is carried out in the NSAL of NAAS on a scientific theme «Organizational basis of formation of branch-wise library and information resources for agrarian branch of Ukraine with use of innovative technologies».
The proposed study is intended to draw the attention of both librarians and researches of the history of agrarian science to the problem of agrarian library its foreign funds and scientific replenishment. The main directions of the library's activity are the processing of actual accession of documents to the library fund, organization of modern reference and bibliographic apparatus, improvement of traditional catalogs, which are the main component of the reference and bibliographic apparatus, improvement of the processes of scientific handling of documents, setting of general rules of composition the descriptions, barcode documents, keeping , editing databases and navigation in information search resources.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the state of the population problem of NSAL of NAAS inform database by foreign publications.
This problem is an important process in the activity of the establishment. First of all, it is the acquisition of foreign funds, monitoring and analysis of bibliology needs of users.
The population of inform database by foreign literature is analyzed since 90-s of XX century till present day. Such methods are used as structural and system analysis, synthesis, comparison. The role of foreign literature for the acquisition of the foreign fund is shown by the example of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS. The dynamics of foreign books and periodicals to foreign funds of the NSAL of NAAS is followed. It turned out that between 1996 and 2020, the NSAL of NAAS received 2,652 and 10,630 periodicals, which is 0.05% of all incomings. The analysis of foreign books and magazines supplied to the library from 1992 to 2020 was conducted. It showed that the highest number of books accession was accounted in 1997, 1992, the lowest - in 2018, and magazines, the highest - in 1994, the lowest - in 2017, 2018.
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